Full BIO
Kimberly Byers, is a Certified Life Coach, published author, speaker and mentor. Specializing in speaking, one-on-one coaching, group coaching, and mentoring.
This decorated combat veteran retired as a Master Sergeant in the United Stated Army after serving over 28 years and several deployments under her belt.
As a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer in the Army, she has had her share of dealing with crisis and trauma.
She knew after her career in the military she could better serve women like herself; who have gone through similar losses and challenging events. Caring for her ill mother, watching very close relatives succumb to the illness of cancer and to include a younger brother; the sadness was tough to overcome. But she knew one thing, her family members would not want her to dwell, but to overcome and get through. She needed to stand strong for her son and for herself; did the work to get back on track.
Her grief, loss and depression were not just about the death of family members. This is her story of getting through adversity:
⦁ Involved in a very bad car accident; and told you would never walk again
⦁ Due to the injuries from her accident she was told she would not be able to join the military
⦁ Joined the military and retired after serving her country for 28+ years
⦁ Sexually assaulted in the military by a supervisor and the command did nothing
⦁ Unable to have a child naturally and desperately wanted to be a Mom
⦁ Loss of mom and brother; her best friends at the height of her career after the military
⦁ Clinically depressed and suffered from extreme anxiety
These things made her a much more determined person to succeed and help others. She worked hard on herself to get back on track moving towards her goals. She brings experience, tools and strategic tactics to support those looking to become less overwhelmed, less burned-out and no longer frustrated with life’s challenges. Challenges will come, but are seen differently and managed with a different and more purposeful mind-set.
Ms. Kim talks differently, has patience beyond what she imagined was possible and gets it when a client says to her, they are in need of harmony and peace. She can help with providing knowledge to gain the peace of mind your looking for.